When I left school less than a year ago, I was pretty certain that I didn’t want to go down the traditional route of college and university.
The marketing team at Jacksons is working with our other teams to come up with of innovative ways of promoting our business and staying in touch with clients and contacts during these strange times. I expect most organisations will be busy doing the same.
The workplace has changed considerably during my career and the days of going into the office at 8 and leaving at 5 are over. Customers expect more flexibility as do workers themselves.
As I wrote this blog yesterday, it was International Women’s Day 2020 with the theme Each for Equal.
In 2020 it is somewhat shocking that it is necessary that this should be the theme but in many ways it is more important than ever.
A recent court decision gives reason for all directors and their advisers to return to the concept of limited liability.
The familiar concept is that a company is a legal entity in its own right and therefore liable to pay its own debts.
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