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Monthly Archives: January 2017

Legal Update – Tribunal had jurisdiction to hear discrimination claim despite previous COT3 Agreement


Section 203 of the Employment Rights Act 1996 states that a Settlement Agreement will be effective where an ACAS Conciliation Officer has “taken action”. The form used by Conciliation Officers to record settlements is a form COT3, in which the agreed terms are set out and signed by the parties (or their representatives). In the […]

Supreme Court ruling on reasonable adjustments


Last week there were widespread news reports on the Supreme Court’s decision that a bus operating company had failed to make reasonable adjustments to avoid a passenger who used a wheelchair from suffering a disadvantage. This was in breach of the Equality Act 2010. The case in question was FirstGroup Plc v Paulley [2017] UKSC […]

Jargonbusting – What is a dismissal?


In each edition we will feature a short explanation of a piece of employment law jargon with the aim of highlighting to employers key points to be aware of within the jargon under scrutiny. This edition focusses on dismissal. The question of whether or not an employee has been dismissed is a pretty fundamental one, […]

Is the ‘Push for adoption’ causing too much intrusion in family life?


Recently Legal Action for Women have published a dossier which recognises and criticises the push for adoption as they state that this shows ‘discriminatory treatment’. It describes ‘the traumatic and discriminatory treatment of children, mothers and grandmothers by the institutions who are in charge of child protection’. The organisation wants to increase publicity around this […]

“Registration Gap”: the Risk of Third Party Rights being granted over your Property


The recent case of Baker v Craggs reiterates the importance of dealing with registration formalities following completion of all property purchases – and the consequences of failing to do so. The case also highlights the importance of employing a legal expert to ensure all transactions are dealt with correctly from initial instruction through to completion […]

Family proceedings, Cross-examination of vulnerable witnesses


On the 30th December 2016 a statement by the President of the Family Division, Sir James Munby was published by the Ministry of Justice which highlighted the need for immediate reform regarding cross examination of children and vulnerable witnesses in family courts. He stated ‘the family justice system lags woefully behind the criminal justice system’. […]

Legal Update – cycle courier wins case on worker status


In the case of Ms Dewhurst v Citysprint UK Ltd, Ms Dewhurst argued that she was a worker rather than a self-employed contractor and brought a claim against Citysprint UK Ltd for holiday pay. The employment tribunal has upheld her claim and found that she was in fact a worker during the time she was […]

Effects of Brexit on Family Law


There have always been concerns within the legal profession that Brexit will have a negative impact on family law issues such as divorce and other proceedings. This concern has recently been voiced again by the legal sector at the Justice Committee’s inquiry on the implications of Brexit on the justice system. Resolution member, Daniel Eames […]

Here’s one set to stun…


In a recent decision, which might turn out be a rogue one (sorry), The Charity Commission, the independent regulator and registrar of charities in England and Wales, rejected an application for registration by The Temple of the Jedi Order, ruling instead that Jediism, the worship of the mythology of Star Wars, is not a religion. […]

Employment Team News


As we kick off the New Year the Employment Team at Jacksons have plenty of events and activities planned to help support employers across the region and beyond with 2017 looking set to be a busy one. We will provide regular updates on all our events and activities across the region. Stacey West, Solicitor, is […]

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